Hey Hi!
I’m Hannah - or as many people have come to call me - Miss Hannah!
My little sister and I
So when I finally decided I’m going to try my hand at this blog thing - the pursuit of a non-cheesy domain name became an obsessive challenge I needed to conquer…
From my days of taking and teaching ballet, it has always been proper to refer to the teacher as “miss ______” married, single, whatever - it was always miss _____, but somehow that has continued to spill into my other areas of life - from when I worked as an emergency room nurse, to baby sitting my friends kids…it’s always just kinda stuck….so Miss Hannah it is!
Alright, so lets start this out right!
I’m Hannah, I have the sweetest husband ever - I know you ALL think YOU do, but for real guys…I win! God knew what he was doing when he had me wait a long time to find this amazing man! Oh did I mention, I married my brother’s med-school roommate? Cute huh?
Anyway, we got married in IL, I joined my husband in Detroit, MI while he finished up his school, and then we moved here - to sweet, humble Indiana - a type of Midwest-utopia.
So like all millennials have done before - we bought a house, and then got a dog. Sherman - a cute mix-of-something we adopted from a kill-shelter got a second chance - I mean who doesn’t want a come-back story? I swore I would never become one of those dog owners, you know that has a “dog child”? We all know those people, when you think your dog is literally as important as a child…but somehow I felt that slippery slope happening…
Two years later, we felt the call to start a family, so I quit my job as a nurse practitioner and we got pregnant shorty after. That sweet baby was not meant for this world as we miscarried, but God then choose to bless us shortly after with 3 children - Lydia, Caleb, and Ruth -who’s short life is changing ours.
Because truth is stranger then fiction - we are moving back to IL near my family and Josh has taken a new job in the area. I’m living my dream - and can’t wait to have family bbq’s and birthdays - together!
This blog has been a long-time-coming of years of wanting an outlet for writing, for documenting the projects I so helter-skelter get myself into…and reflections of how life is changing and who God is shaping me to become.
So hey - join me in musings from day-to-day living, crazy Goodwill finds that I believe will be the most amazing project even Joanna Gains would be envious of, Pintrest food trials (and fails..no one is perfect) and the never ending-crafting endeavors!
Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here:-)
I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
~ Psalm 27:13-14
Wedding photo credit - @boothphotographics